
Do you love her or do you love her?

It’s official—the gays can marry in California and bridal registry will never be the same. Lord a mercy—you know queens are running around Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn, and Universal Gear with scanners like they are Charlie’s freaking Angels. Crate and Barrel had to import shopgirls from Minnesota. (All bitchy shopgirls come from Minnesota).

Note: Whenever a shopgirl acts bitchy to you—kindly remind them they work in a shop and that they’re from Minnesota. They’ll start to cry immediately and realize all they have left is a 30 % discount... and they still have bad shoes.

Ellen Degeneres rocks the kazbah. Did you see her talk to McCain? Open a new tab and watch that bizsnatch immediately. After agreeing to disagree, Ellen asks him to walk her down the aisle. She is brilliant, and once again, she catapults us two giant steps forward.


Mikie said...

I watched it when it aired. And she let him have it in her oh-so-polite and still very funny way.

And apparently Californians aren't facists. It's just the rest of the country now.

jamestheactor said...

You're such a good little blogger, daddy

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he have a gay daughter to walk down the aisle with? Oh wait, that's Cheney...I get them confused...