
I Heart Nachos

It has recently been brought to my attention that there's a running theme of Nachos throughout my blog, and I must say, I'm glad America's paying attention. I'm glad I'm reaching out with the important facts. As a writer, I believe it's important to write two things: 1: What you know. 2: What you Care About. And I know lots about nachos.

First of all, I give good nacho. I give amazing nacho. It's a special Rotel/Velevetta concoction that spanks you in the face. I have to import rotel from Texas and Oklahoma -- they don't be selling that shit in New York - except for one Eckerds in Park Slope - and I sooner die than take the F train.

San Loca gives good drunk nacho. You're in the East Village. It's Friday night. You're crying at a gay bar. It's okay. Just walk down 2nd Avenue to San Loco. Have a little chicken nacho.


Mikie said...

I have failed miserably at my duties, but you can expect some Rotel soon. Don't even ask how I explain THAT to the postal service.

Anonymous said...

tell us about your other loves. also what are you wearing?